MemrisTec Summer School 2022

8. - 16.9.2022 in Aachen/Jülich, Germany

Welcome to the first MemrisTec Summer School which is covering the topics of the research programme Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems.

Memristors are nanoelectric devices capable of storage and computation. Their specific properties make it possible to integrate significantly more memory than before in a very small space and to create novel, biologically inspired networks for information processing.

This creates electronic circuits whose performance is significantly greater than that of conventional semiconductor solutions. The highly efficient and faster memory technologies are better able than conventional technologies to meet the challenges of the Internet of Things. Due to their high efficiency and small size, memristors also allow the development of highly sensitive biosensors, which are particularly interesting for medical technology.

Such sensors can be used, for example, to detect cancer cells very sensitively at low concentrations. Moreover, memristors are particularly well suited for imaging the learning behavior of synapses in neuromorphic electronic systems, i.e. the development of artificial brains. That is, in the future, computers may be created that can “think” and “learn” with memristors. In addition, a multitude of other possible applications is conceivable.



Journey to Aachen

Reach our accommodation destination Aachen e.g. by train (station name Aachen Schanz) on Wednesday evening latest (7.9.) – we will have an informal Welcome Dinner at 20:00.

If coming by plane, close airports are Maastricht-Aachen, Köln/Bonn, Düsseldorf, Brussel or Frankfurt/Main. From the airport, trains should be available to reach Aachen. Check out the Summer School map below…


All participants will stay in the Aachen Hostel. You do not have to book here, we will book the accommodation for you after your registration!

The address of your destination:

Aachen Hostel
Mauerstr. 116
52064 Aachen


Participation Fee

There is no registration fee as we are a team of universites and research institutions without aspiration to gain profit. But, to negotiate good prices for accomodation, meals, bus transfer, activities we will ask you for a participation fee covering these expenses. Your journey to/from Aachen is not included. The participation fee is 849€ for the 10 nights. Participants from Aachen/Jülich pay much less, of course.

Expected prior knowledge

It would be more easy for you to follow if you already have a Bachelor degree (or similar) in a STEM subject, e.g. electrical engineering, computer science, materials sciences, physics, chemistry etc.

The Summer School is not limited to PreDocs only!


  • Lectures from famous teachers
  • Hands-on lab activities
  • Poster session (Who am I?)
  • International sweets buffet
  • Social activities
  • Cultural activities
  • Sightseeing / Hiking / Bicycle trip


Is closed now. Please stay updated for the MemrisTec Summer School 2023 in Dresden, Germany.

Please don’t hesitate to ask your questions here:


Feel free to advertise the MemrisTec Summer School with this flyer (16:9 format), e.g. as slide in your talks!

"In this interdisciplinary Summer School on memristive systems, we want to bring students together and in discussion with experts from the fields of fabrication, characterization and the theory of memristors."
Prof. Dr. Ronald Tetzlaff
Coordination of DFG priority program MemrisTec


Wednesday, 07.09.2022

Thursday, 08.09.2022

Friday, 09.09.2022

Saturday, 10.09.2022

Sunday, 11.09.2022

Monday, 12.09.2022

Tuesday, 13.09.2022

Wednesday, 14.09.2022

Thursday, 15.09.2022

Friday, 16.09.2022

Saturday, 17.09.2022