The awards for the best presentation at the MemrisTec2024 workshop went to the young scientists from the project MemTDE (Memristive Time Difference Encoder):
Johannes Hellwig and Dimitris Spithouris from the Peter Grünberg Institute 7 at Forschungszentrum Jülich as well as Hugh Greatorex from CogniGron at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands were rated best in terms of their presentation skills by the jury from the MemrisTec Board.
The annual workshop of the MemrisTec priority program took place this year in Nuremberg at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. The host was Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fey. The location and time of the workshop were specifically chosen so that demonstrators created during the first funding phase could also be presented at the embedded world trade fair.
We wish the MemTDE project team all the best for the future!