
Dr. Marc Reichenbach new head of Computer Engineering at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

The chair of Computer Engineering is now lead by Dr. Marc Reichenbach, who substitutes Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Hübner, the new Vice President for Research and Transfer at BTU.



The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) (DFG) establishes 14 new priority programs for 2020. 50 initiatives applied for the 6 year long research funding. Two of these are from program directors at the TU Dresden. Besides Thomas Heine, professor for theoretical chemistry, Ronald Tetzlaff, professor for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering, convinced the DFG with his research.

Starting in 2020, researchers may write proposals for subprojects to be a part of these research projects. The goal of these interdisciplinary priority programs is foundational research of very current topics or in just developing new areas of research.

The 14 new programs will receive for the first three years in total about 85 million Euro. Additionally, they will receive a 22 % fixed rate for indirect costs resulting from the projects. The DFG is currently funding 97 priority programs.