The 2025 episode of the MemrisTec Summer Schools will bring interested students and researchers together at the University of Sevilla and the Microelectronics institute IMSE-cnm of Sevilla, Spain.

The 2025 episode of the MemrisTec Summer Schools will bring interested students and researchers together at the University of Sevilla and the Microelectronics institute IMSE-cnm of Sevilla, Spain.
The 2024 episode of the MemrisTec Summer Schools will bring interested students and researchers together at CogniGron in the university of Groningen, Netherlands.
The host of the 2024 exchange workshop of the MemrisTec priority program is the Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg with the Chair of Computer Architecture under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Fey.
The final workshop of funding phase I will simultaneously initiate funding phase II with the presentation of the results of the ongoing projects and provide an outlook on the projects of the coming years.
MemrisTec2024 will take place from April 9 to 12, 2024 and will enable participants to experience the embedded world trade fair, where MemrisTec will also be represented with a stand (Hall 5, Stand 5.140) and several demonstrators.
DFG cordially invites all applicants of the second funding period to the review colloquium at TU Dresden on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.
As many applicants will arrive on Tuesday evening, September 19, we have reserved seats in the restaurant Sophienkeller to offer a place to meet for dinner on own costs.
For the ease of the organization, e.g. of the catering, please register with an informal e-mail to with the names of presenters for your project – thank you!
Wednesday, 20.09.2023
10:00 – 12:30 Poster Session at Werner-Hartmann-Bau, TU Dresden
Available poster panels are suitable for DIN A0 (841×1189 mm) posters in portrait or landscape orientation. Please note that only one poster for each project application will be allowed.
Nöthnitzer Str. 66
01187 Dresden
Gender inequality in science is a well-known phenomenon, e.g. for engineering domains in Germany. To compensate this, several activities of DFG and further institutions strive to support women to start studying these (e.g. STEM) subjects and/or stay in science. One result of the MemrisTec internal discussion was the setup of a MemrisTec Women Network discussing fitting measures to support women also with a limited budget.
To spotlight and discuss specifically the barriers of female researchers, some individuals from the MemrisTec Women Network invited friends to a Movie Night with the documentary „Picture a Scientist“ (2020, 93min). They met in small groups in different cities and discussed after watching the documentary how to better act locally to seal the “leaky pipeline”…