
IFW Dresden appoints Prof. Dr. Anjana Devi as director of IMC

Prof. Dr. Anjana Devi, a distinguished expert on chemistry of functional nanoscale and 2D materials, has been appointed as the Director of the Institute for Materials Chemistry (IMC) at Leibniz Institute of Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW). Concurrently, she is anticipated to be appointed with the prestigious role of Chair of Materials Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry at the Technical University of  Dresden (TU Dresden).

Professor Dr. Anjana Devi, an esteemed scientist of Indian origin, earned Doctorate from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India. Since 1998, she has been working with the Ruhr-University, Bochum, where she held the position of Professor of Inorganic Materials Chemistry since 2011. Her exceptional contributions to the field have been recognized internationally, for which she received an Honorary Doctorate from Aalto University, Finland.

Further details…


MEMRISYS “Best oral Award” for Johannes Hellwig

During the conference MEMRISYS in Turin, from 5th to 9th of November 2023, Johannes Hellwig received the “Best oral Award” for his talk „ Resolving the Physical Origin of LRS Relaxation in Valence Change Memory”. Johannes Hellwig is a researcher of Forschungszentrum Jülich (PGI-7) active in the MemrisTec project MemTDE as well as in the project NEUROTEC.


Elisabetta Chicca and SWIMS Project Awarded EUR 13.5 Million ERC Synergy Grant

Elisabetta Chicca and SWIMS Project Awarded EUR 13.5 Million ERC Synergy Grant

© Filippo Gander

The European Research Council (ERC) has granted a EUR 13.5 million Synergy Grant to the Stochastic Spiking Wireless Multimodal Sensory Systems (SWIMS) project, led by a consortium of four prominent scientists, including Professor Elisabetta Chicca from the University of Groningen.

SWIMS aims to revolutionize the design of smart wireless multimodal sensory systems, drawing inspiration from the nonlinear signaling observed in the nervous system of insects like bees. The project proposes a paradigm shift in digital signal processing, focusing on a novel stochastic analog spiking neuromorphic concept for Internet-of-Things (IoT) nodes.

The grant underscores the significance of SWIMS in addressing the rising energy consumption of digital infrastructure and recognizes its potential to bring about breakthroughs in energy efficiency for future IoT technologies. The international collaboration involves researchers from TU Dresden, UC Louvain, EPFL, and the University of Groningen, emphasizing the project’s global impact. This funding reaffirms the ERC’s confidence in SWIMS as a pioneering force in advancing sustainable and energy-efficient IoT systems.


Review Colloquium for 2nd phase of MemrisTec

Review Colloquium for 2nd phase of MemrisTec

A huge number of projects, that applied for the priority program 2262 of DFG called „MemrisTec“, came together in Dresden for a poster session in front of the reviewers. Werner-Hartmann-Bau, so called for the microelectronics pioneer in Saxony, was the scenery for several hours of discussions among applicants and with the reviewers. The official DFG results are expected by the end of November 2023.




MemrisTec at 16th Embedded Talk in Erlangen

MemrisTec at 16th Embedded Talk in Erlangen

Keynote Talks of Stefan Slesazeck (NaMLab) and Christian Hochberger (TU Darmstadt) on non-volatile memory technologies and applications followed by a Poster Session – this has been the 16th Embedded Talk at FAU ESI in Erlangen.



MemrisTec at 2nd Jülich-Aachen Neuromorphic Computing Day

MemrisTec at 2nd Jülich-Aachen Neuromorphic Computing Day

At the Neuromorphic Computing Day at the Research Center Jülich, interested participants could learn about the nine projects from the MemrisTec poster. After an inspiring lecture by Wolf Singer the evening before, there were diverse speeches and talks by invited politicians, industry representatives and researchers throughout the day on August 30. During the breaks, demonstrator stands and posters could be explored.



Review Colloquium 2nd funding phase

DFG cordially invites all applicants of the second funding period to the review colloquium at TU Dresden on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

As many applicants will arrive on Tuesday evening, September 19, we have reserved seats in the restaurant Sophienkeller to offer a place to meet for dinner on own costs.


For the ease of the organization, e.g. of the catering, please register with an informal e-mail to with the names of presenters for your project – thank you!


Wednesday, 20.09.2023

10:00 – 12:30 Poster Session at Werner-Hartmann-Bau, TU Dresden


Available poster panels are suitable for DIN A0 (841×1189 mm) posters in portrait or landscape orientation. Please note that only one poster for each project application will be allowed.


Nöthnitzer Str. 66
01187 Dresden


SMACD’23 Best Paper Award for Mem²CNN project

SMACD’23 Best Paper Award on Emerging Technologies and Applications was presented to the paper entitled “A Simplified Variability-Aware VCM Memristor Model for Efficient Circuit Simulation”. A team of researchers from Technische Universität Dresden and FZ Jülich, Vasileios Ntinas, Dharmik Patel, Yongmin Wang, Ioannis Messaris, Dr. Vikas Rana, Stephan Menzel, Alon Ascoli, and Ronald Tetzlaff contributed to the paper. This project was funded within the DFG SPP MemrisTec.


IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award Recognizes Breakthrough in Memristive Neuronal Signal Generation

The prestigious IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award has been granted to the research paper titled “How to Build a Memristive Integrate-and-Fire Model for Spiking Neuronal Signal Generation“. The paper, authored by Sung Mo Kang, Donguk Choi, Jason K Eshraghian, Peng Zhou, Jieun Kim, Bai-Sun Kong, Xiaojian Zhu, Ahmet Samil Demirkol, Alon Ascoli, Ronald Tetzlaff, Wei D Lu, and Leon O Chua, presents two compact memristive models for generating spiking neuronal signals using readily available low-cost components. The first neuron model introduced in the paper is called the Memristive Integrate and Fire (MIF) model. It enables neuronal signaling by utilizing two voltage levels: the spike-peak and the rest-potential. The second model presented was MIF2, which goes a step further by incorporating a third refractory voltage level during hyperpolarization, thereby promoting local adaptation.

One of the significant implications of this research is the potential design of a memristive solid-state brain with an estimation of its surface area and power consumption. This breakthrough is expected to encourage further experimental demonstrations of memristive circuits, paving the way for more accessible and cost-effective implementations. Analytical projections indicate that a memristive solid-state brain could be achieved within the surface area and volume equivalent to the median human brain.

The recognition of this outstanding research with the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award underscores its importance and impact on the field. The authors’ contribution to advancing the understanding and practical application of memristive circuits is commendable, and their work is expected to inspire further breakthroughs in the field of neuroscience and neuromorphic engineering.

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Dr.-Ing. Marc Reichenbach Appointed as Full Professor for Integrated Systems at the University of Rostock

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marc Reichenbach, a well-experienced expert in processor architectures and processor development, has been appointed as a university full professor for “Integrated Systems” at the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at University of Rostock, effective from June 1st, 2023. Prof. Dr. Reichenbach also completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science and pursued a post-doctoral position at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

His academic achievements demonstrate his dedication to advancing the field of computer science. Prior to his new role, he served as a substitute Professor at the BTU Cottbus for almost two years, further enriching his teaching and research experience. Marc’s extensive knowledge, combined with his international visibility and scientific skills, make him a valuable asset for the University of Rostock.