
Exploring the Intersection of AI, Science and Industry with Richard Socher and Dresden AI experts

Exploring the Intersection of AI, Science and Industry with Richard Socher and Dresden AI experts

Richard Socher, CEO of, visited TU Dresden on May 11, 2023. After an inspiring lecture he joined a podium discussion with other leading science experts on natural language processing. The event explored the intersection of AI, science, and industry, with a focus on the latest developments in natural language processing and their impact on different sectors. Socher and the panelists discussed the use of AI in industries such as healthcare, finance, and education, and delved into the ethical concerns surrounding its application. The conversation provided valuable insights into the future of AI and its potential to revolutionize various industries.

Lecture of Richard Socher

Panel Discussion

  • Sunna Torge (panelist, TU Dresden, SCADS.AI, OpenGPT-X)
  • Anna Poetsch (panelist, TU Dresden, CMCB/MSNZ)
  • Richard Socher (panelist,
  • Oliver Guhr (moderator, HTW Dresden)
  • Peter Steinbach (moderator, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz.AI)

Organizing Team

  • Richard Schroedter (TU Dresden)
  • Christian Bruchatz (TU Dresden)
  • Steffen Seitz (TU Dresden)
  • Oliver Guhr (HTW Dresden)
  • Peter Steinbach (HZDR, Helmholtz.AI)

We kindly thank the Chief Office for Technology Transfer and Internationalization, the Chief Office Digitalization and Information Management, the Directorate Communication and Marketing as well as the Directorate Student Affairs and Continuing Education for their support in the event organization.



Register now for MemrisTec Summer School 2023 in Dresden

The 2023 episode of the MemrisTec Summer Schools will bring interested students and researchers in the european capital of micro- and nanoelectronics.

Events News

MemrisTec @ Girl’s Day 2023


MemrisTec2023 in Frankfurt (Oder)

At MemrisTec2023 Teams from all nine projects of the DFG SPP 2262 Memristec met for 3 days in Frankfurt (Oder) at IHP to synchronize their progress during the last year.


German-American Discussion on Future Memristive Technology in Dresden

For the upcoming extension of MemrisTec the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) would like set up the second phase of the research program as a commonly funded collaboration – and by this leveraging the world-class expertise of German and US scientists to better understand the physical phenomena underlying memristor operation, which, in turn, may accelerate the development of emerging research areas of world-wide scientific interest, such as non-volatile memory, in-memory processing, neuromorphic computing, and machine learning.

To initiate this more than 50 scientists from USA and Germany met on 2.2.2023 at TU Dresden, Germany, or joined online, to discuss the achievable research goals, develop ideas for project collaborations and support the directions of the call planned to be publicly announced in March/April 2023.


MemrisTec2023 workshop April 19th-21th in Frankfurt (Oder)

The host for the upcoming exchange workshop of the priority program MemrisTec will be the Frankfurt (Oder) based IHP GmbH – Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics/Leibniz Institute for Innovative Microelectronics. MemrisTec2023 will take place from April 19 to 21, 2023.


MemrisTec Summer School 2022

The nine-day summer school took place in Aachen and Jülich from 7 to 16 September 2022. Roughly 20 lectures, some hands-on activities, and lab visits were covering the topics of the research programme Memristive Devices Toward Smart Technical Systems (MemrisTec). Several social activities led to a intense exchange of the 42 participants.

More information here


Dresden Science Night on Friday, 8.7.2022

NaMLab gGmbH offers several attractions!

Insights into the cleanroom (17:00-23:00)

Take a look inside the cleanroom together with our scientists and learn interesting facts about the construction of a cleanroom and work in this environment. Questions like how clean is actually pure and what a clean room is needed for will be clarified. Afterwards, easy-to-understand demonstrators will be used to explain how electrical components work and how thin layers are realized in semiconductor technology.

How to do research in the nanoworld? (17:00-23:00)

NaMLab opens its labs and explains to you in a vivid way which possibilities exists to investigate nanometer thin films electrically and physically. A general tour through the labs is not enough for you? Take part in the special tours and let us explain to you in detail how to operate an electrical prober or how to investigate a structure smaller than a human hair with an atomic force microscope. Guided tours: – 21:00 Special guided tour (English) – 22:00 Special guided tour (German) – General guided tours throughout the evening every 20 minutes (except at the times of the special guided tour)

Hot and delicious or ice cold! (17:00-23:00)

Fortify yourself with some delicious foods from the grill and some drinks. But if it is too warm for you or you just want something sweet, then try some ice cream from our molecular kitchen!


MemrisTec Summer School 2022 in Aachen/Jülich

Apply now! More information:


MemrisTec2022 in Dresden

Partners in the priority program meet from May 18th to May 19th in Dresden to report on progress in the nine projects. Extensive opportunities for discussion served to plan the next steps. The interdisciplinary composition of the partners led to interesting exchange which was well appreciated also during the supporting social side events.