
MemrisTec Movie Night – Picture a Scientist

Gender inequality in science is a well-known phenomenon, e.g. for engineering domains in Germany. To compensate this, several activities of DFG and further institutions strive to support women to start studying these (e.g. STEM) subjects and/or stay in science. One result of the MemrisTec internal discussion was the setup of a MemrisTec Women Network discussing fitting measures to support women also with a limited budget.

To spotlight and discuss specifically the barriers of female researchers, some individuals from the MemrisTec Women Network invited friends to a Movie Night with the documentary „Picture a Scientist“ (2020, 93min). They met in small groups in different cities and discussed after watching the documentary how to better act locally to seal the “leaky pipeline”…

Chart from „Picture a Scientist“ (2020) with US data without further given details/sources.

Exploring the Intersection of AI, Science and Industry with Richard Socher and Dresden AI experts

Exploring the Intersection of AI, Science and Industry with Richard Socher and Dresden AI experts

Richard Socher, CEO of, visited TU Dresden on May 11, 2023. After an inspiring lecture he joined a podium discussion with other leading science experts on natural language processing. The event explored the intersection of AI, science, and industry, with a focus on the latest developments in natural language processing and their impact on different sectors. Socher and the panelists discussed the use of AI in industries such as healthcare, finance, and education, and delved into the ethical concerns surrounding its application. The conversation provided valuable insights into the future of AI and its potential to revolutionize various industries.

Lecture of Richard Socher

Panel Discussion

  • Sunna Torge (panelist, TU Dresden, SCADS.AI, OpenGPT-X)
  • Anna Poetsch (panelist, TU Dresden, CMCB/MSNZ)
  • Richard Socher (panelist,
  • Oliver Guhr (moderator, HTW Dresden)
  • Peter Steinbach (moderator, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz.AI)

Organizing Team

  • Richard Schroedter (TU Dresden)
  • Christian Bruchatz (TU Dresden)
  • Steffen Seitz (TU Dresden)
  • Oliver Guhr (HTW Dresden)
  • Peter Steinbach (HZDR, Helmholtz.AI)

We kindly thank the Chief Office for Technology Transfer and Internationalization, the Chief Office Digitalization and Information Management, the Directorate Communication and Marketing as well as the Directorate Student Affairs and Continuing Education for their support in the event organization.



Register now for MemrisTec Summer School 2023 in Dresden

The 2023 episode of the MemrisTec Summer Schools will bring interested students and researchers in the european capital of micro- and nanoelectronics.

Events News

MemrisTec @ Girl’s Day 2023


MemrisTec Young Researcher Award for Tommaso Rizzi

During the MemrisTec2023 workshop, Tommaso Rizzi received one of the two MemrisTec Young Researcher Awards 2023 for his paper „Exploring Process-Voltage-Temperature Variations Impact on 4T1R Multiplexers for Energy-aware Resistive RAM-based FPGAs“, published in 10/2022 at the IEEE International Integrated Reliability Workshop (IIRW) in South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA.

Within his paper Tommaso Rizzi evaluated a promising way towards the implementation of RRAM based devices coupled with large sized multiplexers into FPGAs. His results provide considerable improvements in terms of energy consumption and speed of modern FPGAs.

All the best for Tommaso Rizzi!

BioMCross News

MemrisTec Young Researcher Award for Eter Mgeladze

During the workshop MemrisTec2023 Eter Mgeladze (NaMLab, BioMCross Projekt) received one of the two MemrisTec Young Researcher Awards 2023 for her paper „An Analog Memristive and Memcapacitive Device for Neuromorphic Computing“, which she presented at the conference IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS) in Glasgow, Scotland in 10/2022.

In this multi-disciplinary work research spans from material and device optimization, via electrical characterization towards basic modeling of the devices properties. One focus is the investigation of frequency-dependent potentiation and depression properties of analogue switching memristive devices. Moreover, there is a comparatively novel aspect – the interplay between memristive and memcapacitive properties within one device. The results are the base for more sophisticated modeling, that will lead to conception of new devices and circuits for low power neuromorphic systems, and as such is very timely, interesting and useful for the broader community.

All the best for Eter Mgeladze!


MemrisTec2023 in Frankfurt (Oder)

At MemrisTec2023 Teams from all nine projects of the DFG SPP 2262 Memristec met for 3 days in Frankfurt (Oder) at IHP to synchronize their progress during the last year.


Dr. Erika Covi appointed as First TUD Young Investigator at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

In a groundbreaking move to promote excellence and counteract structural disadvantages, Dr. Erika Covi, a scientist at NaMLab, has been appointed as the first “TUD Young Investigator” at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering by the rectorate of the Technical University of Dresden (TUD). 

This prestigious status aims to integrate exceptional and independent junior research group leaders more closely within the faculties at the renowned Dresden science location. Her extensive experience in NaMLab will be instrumental in integrating well-founded knowledge into the faculty while offering qualifications tailored to the industry’s changing needs. Moreover, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Mikolajick, who serves as the chair holder of nanoelectronics and scientific director at NaMLab, further strengthens the collaboration between the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering and NaMLab gGmbH. Having such a close partnership ensures seamless knowledge and expertise exchange between the two institutions.

The introduction of the “TUD Young Investigator” program is expected to have a far-reaching impact, providing exceptional junior researchers with enhanced opportunities to collaborate, lead their own research groups, and make significant contributions to their respective fields. By actively integrating these young talents, TUD aims to foster innovation and promote academic excellence at its science location in Dresden.

For more information about the “TUD Young Investigators” program, please visit the official website of the Technical University of Dresden.


Catherine Dubourdieu receives ERC Advanced Grant

Prof. Dr. Catherine Dubourdieu, leading the MIMEC project within MemrisTec, has been awarded a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant for her research project “LUCIOLE”, which aims at combining ferroelectric polar textures with conventional silicon technologies.

Find more information at the HZB website.


International Day of Women and Girls in Science

In the priority program MemrisTec women play a crucial role in the research of memristive devices toward smart systems. But also we are far away from gender equality – which is why we want to continue to encourage young women to head to (STEM) sciences.