Dr. Kirill Monakhov, Head of the “Switchable molecularly functionalized surfaces” working group at the Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), was awarded a visiting professorship by the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warwick, UK.
As an IAS Fellow, Mr. Monakhov will present his research interests to a scientific audience, give guest lectures to students and participate in interdisciplinary networking events at the IAS. In addition, in collaboration with Prof. Patrick Unwin of the Warwick Electrochemistry & Interfaces Group, opportunities will be explored to deepen the understanding of polyoxometalate (POM) chemistry for neuroinspired applications on surfaces by leveraging the latest developments in operando monitoring of redox processes and molecular programming, thereby strengthening the collaboration between the IOM and the IAS.
A particular goal is the generation of programmable, memristive microdroplet arrays with POMs using electrochemical methods.